Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Today is World Book Day: My collection of books now has no room in my cupboard...

...So I am stacking them on my room's floor. 

Most of them are unread but don't worry, I spent the two year Covid pandemic lockdown reading the WHOLE collection of my sister's books. So I will one day finish reading my personal collection of books too.

There's a philosophy that unread books are more important. No kidding.

Today is World Book Day: Why do we keep books that we don’t read?

By Naim Ibrahim (Naimbe)

‘A Brief History of Time’ has been on my bedside for many years. I know Hawking had honoured a promise to his publisher to include just one equation in the entire book. It’s not my morbid fear of E=MC2 that never got me reading the book. I just didn’t. I don’t know why. READ MORE from Naimbe's Instagram


Quotable quote

"'Jewel Thief" became a huge hit. I flew all the way from Darjeeling to Delhi to attend its premiere at the Odeon Cinema. The crowds were jumping up and down with delirious joy as I alighted from the car outside the theatre, crazily picking me up on their shoulders, pinching me all over to make sure I was real, loading me with garlands, grabbing and shaking my hands, falling all over me. Suddenly, a hand brushed my hip pocket. I checked for my purse, and found it missing. But I did not react, for the euphoria of the moment was too immense to cry over a meagre sum of fifteen thousand rupees, lost in the enormous wave of goodwill and popularity. Stardom cannot be earned or bought at a price. I let the pickpocket dance away in joy with my cash-filled purse."

-- Dev Anand, "Romancing with Life"